Brand Refresh

A platform designed to help support, guide, and inspire along your health journey.

A platform designed to help support, guide, and inspire along your health journey.


Healthline is the number one leading health information site in the U.S. with 72.9 million unique monthly visitors (as of early 2020). The brand has grown to become more empathetic and authentic as design grew in importance for our users.


Being a part of the editorial team, I worked with a handful of designers and photography editors to work and continue to enhance and engage our audience.

Audience targets a diverse audience seeking reliable health information across various topics, including general health, specific conditions, and lifestyle choices, prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility.


Our writers create accessible, jargon-free content that combines evidence-based information with a compassionate tone. They offer practical advice on health topics while maintaining a balanced and impartial approach to controversial issues.

Mini Series

Creating mini series such as The No BS Guide with 557,000+ sessions as of 2019 with 20 articles, and a Wellness Drink Series through simple step-by-step guides with aided imagery.

Creating mini series such as The No BS Guide with 557,000+ sessions as of 2019 with 20 articles, and a Wellness Drink Series through simple step-by-step guides with aided imagery.

Affiliate Articles



Design Director

Editor in Chief

Rita Mauceri


Christal Yuen & Ginger Wojcik

Editorial Design

Lauren Park


Healthline Media

I'm always open to meeting new friends and supporting others in the design world. Please don't hesitate to reach out or just say hello!

I'm always open to meeting new friends and supporting others in the design world. Please don't hesitate to reach out or just say hello!

I'm always open to meeting new friends and supporting others in the design world. Please don't hesitate to reach out or just say hello!